Picture of Qari Gulam Ullah Babar

Qari Gulam Ullah Babar

Gulam Ullah Babar is an esteemed instructor as well as best Administrator at our institution, renowned for his expertise in a wide range of Quran disciplines. His scope of work is Tawjeed, Qaida book reading, Quran Tilawat, memorization and Quran translation.


Surah An Naas (The Chapter of Mankind) – Summary

Surah An-Nas is the 114th chapter of the Quran and is often recited in daily prayers by Muslims. It is a short chapter consisting of six verses and serves as a powerful supplication for seeking protection from evil influences, negative thoughts, and harmful entities.

The Surah is primarily focused on seeking refuge in Allah from the whispers and temptations of Shaytan (Satan) and his harmful influence on human beings.

Surah Al Naas Arabic English Translation

Surah An Naas with Urdu Translationin – Read it Online

1. آپ عرض کیجئے کہ میں (سب) انسانوں کے رب کی پناہ مانگتا ہوں

2. جو (سب) لوگوں کا بادشاہ ہے

3. جو (ساری) نسلِ انسانی کا معبود ہے

4. وسوسہ انداز (شیطان) کے شر سے جو (اللہ کے ذکر کے اثر سے) پیچھے ہٹ کر چھپ جانے والا ہے

5. جو لوگوں کے دلوں میں وسوسہ ڈالتا ہے

6. خواہ وہ (وسوسہ انداز شیطان) جنات میں سے ہو یا انسانوں میں سے 

Surah An Naas with English Translationin – Read it Online

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,﴾1﴿ The King of mankind,﴾2﴿ The god of mankind,﴾3﴿ From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,﴾4﴿ Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,﴾5﴿ Of the jinn and of mankind.﴾6﴿

Some Important Surah Naas Benefits


Protection from Evil

Surah An-Nas is recited to seek Allah’s protection from evil forces, including negative thoughts, jealousy, envy, and other harmful emotions. It serves as a shield against external and internal influences that can lead a person astray.

Defense Against Black Magic

Muslims believe that reciting Surah An-Nas can provide protection against black magic and the harmful effects of sorcery. It is a source of spiritual strength to combat any malicious spells or curses.

Warding Off Negative Influences

By reciting Surah An-Nas, believers can cleanse their hearts and minds of negative influences, doubts, and suspicions. It helps in maintaining a positive and pure mindset.

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

The recitation of this Surah can be a source of solace and tranquility for those facing fear, anxiety, or distress. It instills a sense of security and trust in Allah’s protection.

Strengthening Faith

Surah An-Nas reaffirms a believer’s faith in Allah’s ultimate authority and protection. It serves as a reminder that only Allah is the true refuge and guardian.

Spiritual Healing

It is believed that the recitation of Surah An-Nas can have a healing effect on the soul and can help in overcoming spiritual ailments and negative energy.

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